Masuk Daftar

mengangkat sauh bahasa Inggris

  • mengangkat:    carry; designate; doff; eaised up; elevate;
  • sauh:    anchor; ground tackle
  • mengangkat:    carry; designate; doff; eaised up; elevate; elevated; elevating; get ahead; haul up; hauled up; hauling up; heave; hoist; lift; lift up; lifted; lifted up; lifting; lifting up; raise up; raised; upl
  • kuku sauh:    fluke; flue
  • membongkar sauh:    weigh anchor; weighed anchor; weighing anchor; weigh; cast anchor
  • sauh apung:    sea anchor
  • mengangkat (bahu):    shrugged; shruggeding
  • mengangkat bahu:    shrug; shrug the shoulders; shrugged the shoulders; shrugging; shrugging the shoulders
  • mengangkat kembali:    restore
  • mengangkat lagi:    reappoint; reappointed; reappointing
  • mengangkat senjata:    bore arms
  • mengangkat suara:    mouth; speak; utter; talk; verbalize; verbalise
  • mengangkat sumpah:    swear out; swearing out; swore out; sworn out; take an oath; imprecate; swear; depone; cuss; blaspheme; curse; depose
  • mengangkat tangan:    a show of hands; person raising hands
  • mengangkat toast:    propose a toast; proposing a toast